NGC 7380 - the Wizard Nebula in SHOLRGB Hubble Palette
NGC 7380 - the Wizard Nebula in SHOLRGB Hubble Palette
NGC 7380 - the Wizard Nebula in SHOLRGB Hubble Palette
Discovered in 1787 by Caroline Herschel, NGC 7380 is the open star cluster embedded within the emission nebula known as the Wizard Nebula. The stars within the cluster were formed from this surrounding nebula. Covering about a half a degree of sky (about the same as the Full Moon) in the constellation of Cepheus, the nebula shines brightly in the red light of glowing Hydrogen gas. There is also a strong Oxygen III component, showing in this image as a light blue color.

In this image, North is to the Left. This image is cropped to 97% of the original full frame.

Exposure Details
Lens Nikon 600mm f/4 ED IF
Focal Length 600mm
Focal Ratio f/6
Mount Schaefer GEM - 7 1/2 Byers gear
Guiding QSI 690 OAG, Lodestar Autoguider, PHD2 Guiding
Camera QSI 690wsg-8 with Astrodon Gen II Series E LRGB filters, Astrodon 5nm Ha filter, 5nm OIII filter, 5nm SII filter, 5nm Red Continuum filter
Exposure Ha Oiii Sii Red Continuum LRGB, 48:57:38:29:19:6:7:6 x 600 seconds (35 hours total exposure), all binned 1x1
Calibration 50 darks, 40 flats, 200 bias
Date August 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 31, 2016
Temperature Typically 60F to 70/F on all 8 nights, sensor cooled to -10C (14F)
SQM Reading Bortle 4 on all 8 nights, typically 21.40 to 21.60. Some narrowband data captured with Moon up.
Seeing 3/5 on 8/1; 4/5 on 8/3, 8/4, 8/5, 8/6, and 8/7; 5/5 on 8/2 and 8/31
Location Pine Mountain Club, California
Software Used Images Plus 6.0 for camera control, Images Plus 6.5 for calibration, stacking, ArcSinH stretching, star size reduction, edge masking, masked stretching, and selective color mask generation. Photoshop CS5 used for levels and curves, lab color, saturation adjustments, selective color, match color, high pass filter, narrowband colorizing and stack blending. Gradient Xterminator for gradient removal. Carboni Tools for additional noise reduction and smoothing. HLVG for additional color correction. Registar 64 for subexposure alignment. Focus Magic for focus restoration.
Notes This is my first try at making a false color Hubble palette image. For this image, I mapped Sii, Ha, and OIII to red, green, and blue, respectively, and then did selective color adjustments to remap the colors to the very pretty gold and blue color scheme. I then added the RGB stars and used some processing tricks to minimize the purple halos common in false color images.

I'm overall quite happy with how this version came out, as I like the natural star colors in conjunction with the vivid colors of the gold and blue scheme.

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NGC 7380 - the Wizard Nebula in HaOiiiLRGB