Our Newfoundland, Brook
and my telescope
Information About My Equipment
My current equipment consists of a lot of old mixed in with a bit of
the new. I took some of my earliest digital astrophotos without
equipment to guide the telescope, and this limited my individual
subexposures to about 30 to 45 seconds. I slowly was able to adapt
my old mount to use an autoguider, and this has allowed me to take
longer subimages while maintaining better tracking accuracy.
My latest inventory of equipment (at least the equipment I actually use) is:
Explore Scientific 152mm f/8 APO Triplet w/Carbon Fiber tube and 3" Feathertouch Focuser
Nikon 600mm f/4 ED IF (150mm aperture)
1981 Celestron C-8 8" Schmidt Cassegrain with
2000mm focal length and f/10 focal ratio
Other lenses:
Canon EF 200mm f/2.8L II USM, 50mm f/1.8 Olympus Zuiko lens
QSI 690wsg-8 with Astrodon Gen II Series E RGB filters, Astrodon 5nm Ha filter, 5nm OIII filter, 5nm Red Continuum filter
Hutech modified Canon 6D
Canon refurbished Canon XSi (450D), modified by
Gary Honis to
replace UV/IR cut filter with Baader UV/IR filter
Robofocus 3 electronic focuser for all telescopes and 200mm lens.
Mount: 1984 Custom built Schaefer German Equatorial Mount
with 7 1/2" Byers drive gear, one Hurst DC stepper motor on each axis (replaced original AC synchronous motors).
Drive Corrector: Losmandy 492 Digital Drive Controller. (replaces a previously used home made drive corrector with AC on both axis, and
mechanical relays. I had modified the Hand controller to wire in a ST-4 compatible autoguider port)
Drive corrector interface to computer: Shoestring Astronomy GPUSB
Guiding: QSI690wsg Off Axis Guider
Autoguider: Starlight Xpress Lodestar Autoguider
Image Capture/Control Computer: Lenovo T400
Dew Control: Thousand Oaks Digital Dew Heater Controller, Kendrick Dew Straps
Software Used:
Image Capture/Camera Control: Images Plus 6.0 by Mike Unsold and Sequence Generator Pro by Main Sequence Software
Focusing: Robofocus Focus Control program
Autoguiding: PHD2
Planetarium: Google Earth
Plate Solving: PlateSolve2
Photographic Session Planning: WhatsUp
Image Stacking and Calibration and initial Post Processing: Images Plus 6.5
Post Processing: Photoshop CS5, HLVG,
Carboni's Actions-Astronomy Tools,
Focus Magic,
Gradient Xterminator,
Pixinsight 1.8